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Sensory and Lego Tables for Young 5's Learning

Stacy Shields

Sensory and Lego tables for all Young 5's classrooms to develop problem solving, creativity, and social skills

Sensory and Lego tables for all Young 5's classrooms to develop problem solving, creativity, and social skills

Sensory play helps build nerve connections, encourages the use of fine motor skills, allows students to use their imagination, and uses vocabulary introduced in class. Sensory play is open-ended play, which allows students to problem-solve and create on their own. The focus of Dexter's Young 5's program is social-emotional growth. Oftentimes, 2-6 students use the sensory and Lego tables at once, allowing for authentic opportunities for students to work on social skills, such as sharing, taking turns, asking for help, and cooperative play, to name a few. Right now, students are missing out on these opportunities because of the age of our current Lego and Sensory tables. Replacing these tables will allow us to support students in social, emotional, fine motor, language, aesthetic, and cognitive domains, which is the work and curriculum of the Young 5's program.

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