School Instruments - Oboe
Rachel Wilson
I am looking to purchase 1-2 oboes for district use among the band program. These can be used to loan out to students who cannot afford to rent them, or as loaner instruments for students while their instrument is out for maintenance.
Each year there are a handful of 5th grade students who would like to begin playing an instrument but their families cannot afford the monthly rental fees. Some of these instruments, like clarinets, we have plenty of to loan out. Other times, like with the more expensive and rare oboe, we don't have enough to loan out. In other instances, a student may need to send their rental oboe out for repair, and there aren't any to loan to the student in the meantime. While these instruments would only be used by one or two students at a time, over the lifetime of the instruments (20-30 years) they would serve many students.