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High School Friends

International Diplomacy in Action: Model United Nations Dreadnaught Delegation in Action

Jaime Dudash

This grant proposal respectfully requests support to address the delegation/advisor/conference fees for the Dexter Dreadnaught Model United Nations to attend three multi-day conferences.

Each student is placed in a committee representing a country from the real United Nations. Each committee is assigned topics relating to global issues and crises. These can often be real time crises in real time or historical events that student delegates can challenge history and see if they can change the outcome of a historical decision. In advance of the conference, students are required to research both their country and their topics and write a position paper explaining their stance on each issue.
Students debate and draft resolutions within their committees and compete for awards and recognition. This academic extracurricular activity (in its ninth year at DHS) develops the following skills and content areas:
- Research and writing skills
- analysis and problem solving
- public speaking, collaboration, and consensus building
- content knowledge of current global issues and political crises
For a sample of this year’s topics see the link below. (There are multiple committee tabs - this is one example)

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