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Mill Creek Team Building and Pickleball Equipment

Kelly Bauer

New equipment for all 7th and 8th-grade physical education students that will be used for several teamwork games and challenges, as well as add new sports equipment to the curriculum.

New equipment for all 7th and 8th-grade physical education students that will be used for several teamwork games and challenges, as well as add new sports equipment to the curriculum.

Adding new equipment will allow all 7th and 8th graders to participate in a wide variety of teamwork challenges and activities. In physical education class, we currently lead and guide students in teamwork activities, however with new and updated equipment it will give students an opportunity to experience new challenges and add more creativity to activities and games. Teamwork challenges give classmates an opportunity to bond and connect while solving problems together. Communication, positive social interactions and enjoyment are gained through teamwork activities. As part of the teamwork equipment grant proposal I am also asking to purchase Pickleball sets. This is currently the fastest growing sport. Pickleball would be a wonderful unit to teach to all 7th and 8th grade students throughout the school year both indoor and outdoor. This is a great team sport and individual skill development unit that students will have for a lifetime.

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