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EFD is excited to be hosting an online auction in March. In years past, EFD’s auction has been part of an annual gala. We’ve decided to forgo an in person gala again this year due to the uncertainty of COVID.  The best part of having the auction online is that more families will have the ability to participate. Funds raised from the auction will be used to support educational programs for students in all Dexter Community Schools. 


Once you sign up to bid you can place bids on items from any device connected to the internet: desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Just visit
We are excited to showcase so many of our local businesses. They give of their time and treasure each year and this year is no exception. EFD is truly thankful for their continued generosity

Auction Starts: 9am on March 11th 

Auction Ends: 9pm on March 21st

Auction Pickup Party: March 23rd @ Aubree's from 3pm-8pm

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We will be holding a Dine-to-Donate that night as well. You can grab the form needed right here. If you can't make that event we will arrange another time for  pickup or delivery to you. 

Thank you to our auction Sponsors
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